Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ravens Tailgate

On a cold, dreary Sunday afternoon (October the 3rd) a few Red Pandas and some other members of our class ventured forth to the frozen tundra that was the Ravens tailgate before their Sunday night matchup with the N.Y. Jets.
Considering it was a night game and we were there at 2 in the afternoon, only the most dedicated fans had started tailgating. They were pretty legit with portable TVs and a great smelling grill.

 Ah, Lot O. A little birdie told us that we could park in Lot O for free... well, maybe not. Upon our arrival we were asked for a cool $40 to park in an empty lot... welp, cya later. We found a nice spot on a side lot that we could post up for a while. A strange man was coming around asking us for $40 to park there, so we boogied on out real quick.
 Ah yes, my artistic photo of the day. I have no idea why this kid was posting up on a backhoe, but he was...just chilling, minding his own business.
A true Ravens mobile. I was pretty sure this was Doc Chris' car when I first saw it, and if it's not I say we start a fundraiser right now to get him behind the wheel.

Overall the tailgate was pretty legit. I wish we could have gone later in the day, but alas JR had to get back for the Yankees (yuck) game. I will post the video later of a rowdy Jets fan doing a kegstand for us. A+ investigative journalism.

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